Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A New Frontier

I'll start with an explanation. What is a Crystalline Entity?

Here's what it says on the startrek.com database:

Crystalline Entity

Origin: space. A massive and unique lifeform, delicate in appearance while blindly and insatiably feeding off the life-force of beings and even planetary resources. It could destroy a world in just minutes with its pulverizing energy-beam conversion process, working much like an electromagentic collector. Somehow contacted by Data's brother Lore in 2338, it is known to have wiped out the Omicron Theta colony and its 114 scientists, then 11 more worlds ending with Melona IV until its destruction nearby in 2368. Ironically, just before its death it showed signs of sentience and understanding the different orders of life-energy it had been consuming.

That's the what. Now for the why. I haven't a clue. I want to have a place where I can babble on about all the things that I LOVE to talk about. It may give my family a break if I just spill some of it here.

What do I LOVE to talk about. I always love talking about my family, but I have another blog and facebook and real life to talk about them. I love to garden and I'm also developing a blog for that. So this place will be an outlet for all things nerdy. Because there is more nerdiness about me than I ever thought.

So maybe someone will read this, but even if it's just a writing exercise for me alone, I'm sure it will be awesome!

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